1) Orfeo's crashes:
A crash happened at 2006-06-29, due to an XFS Kernel bug [1]. This bug is currently unsolved and may cause further problems. The machine was restarted at 2006-07-14 before we loose control, a newer kernel was installed (with lot's of XFS fixes, but not the expected one) and /home repaired. Since now, things are working fine again, and we are following the issue closely.
Due to another XFS bug [2] in the installed kernel, we'll have to update it again soon ; the exact date will be advertised on IRC.
You should not have lost any data, but just in case you're into problems, we've got backups ; then do not hesitate to ask us if necessary.
2) PHP5 migration:
As many applications are now switching to PHP5 only, it has been decided to switch to this new major version, as it is not possible to have both version 4 and 5 working at the same time.
Around 2006-09-01, the switch will occur. Then you have a full month to check compatibility of your applications and modify your custom code accordingly. Packaged softwares will be handled by the Admin Team, so you should not have to care.
3) IPv6:
Since yesterday, IPv6 connectivity is back. XS-26, our former provider, was slow to handle the switch to the new IP range (due to the complete removal of the experimental IP range 3ffe), and service quality was poor, so we were looking at other opportunities. Happily, Nerim made some upgrades recently, and native connectivity is now possible.
Please inform us if you find any problem related to this change. Most services are IPv6 aware, and we are working at having them all work with Ipv6 properly.
4) Mail Filtering:
Current issues are : - since a short while, our filtering system has been configured to use "defanging", meaning SPAMs not killed results in a mail report with the original Subject and From, and the problematic mail attached as a RFC 822 attachment. This gives a clearer result with more details, but it seems it is causing problems for mailboxes splitting, mostly because custom headers are not repeated in the report mail - filtering limits in the report differs from the custom field in the problematic mail attached, weird ! - filtering rules needs to be updated, because less SPAM is filtered since a few months, suggestions are welcome
We are investigating and working on these issues.
Thanks for your patience, and thank you for using <del>fre</del> DuckCorp ! ;-)
[1] [2]