Quoting DuckCorp Admin Team
=== Mail ===
First, it's time for major software upgrades and cleanups, so we'll be updating a few things this we, causing downtimes on the POP/IMAP services and incoming mail latency. If you go sunbathing somewhere nice instead of geeking all day long, you won't notice anything bad when you're back, i promise ;-).
Seems we did not manage to break the whole system and l00se all your mails in the process :-).
We now have a better IMAP/POP/MANAGESIEVE server, with better integrated and improved SIEVE support, better security model, and a few new features, among which one is really visible : shared and public folders. By the way, we also took some time to write a bit of documentation about our mail-related services, as i guess searching the mailing-list for piece of details about them is quite boring: (comments welcome)
Have a lot of fun !