Long time no quack, busy being ill…
=== Mail Rejection ===
As announced we had to change Orfeo's IPv4 recently. The new one was
unused, so no previous spammer owned it, but the big corps have
wittingly decided to consider it having a bad reputation by default.
Also we discovered a user recently had his account compromised and it
was used to relay SPAM.
So we're stripping naked and leaking their asses to get our mails
accepted, but it's taking time and maybe we'll need to give more of
ourselves to get it. So please bear with us and report your problems
with as much details as possible so we can debug and act accordingly
(even if much of it is out of our control).
=== StuffCloud Ultimate Upgrade ===
This is an upgrade we've been postponing for too long. At some point
having no fixes and no security support is really bad (even if it's not
that great anyway). Also the next Debian release is coming and this
software would not work anymore.
So we've decided to switch from OwnCloud to NextCloud, and upgraded step
by step. This was not easy to get something working in the end but here
we are. Please tell us if you experience any difficulties.
The list of apps is quite similar, so no data loss. The interface gained
a bit of slowlessness too, charming. But there's fixes and a few new
features you may like.
Please note there is a NextCloud Android app on F-Droid, so while the
old OwnCloud one still works, you should probably replace it.
Also, to ease communication with the rest of the world, we decided to
use letsencrypt to provide the HTTPS certificate for this service. This
means it is now easier to give URLs to external people for sharing (no
certificate to add to the browser manually). We may use letsencrypt for
other websites in the future, but no decision made yet.
=== Out of Backup ===
Our previous backup system (Bacula) had some shortcomings and we
ended-up having all backup expired and purged while we were busy
elsewhere. We believe the current behavior is flawed and this software
has proved to be slightly complicated to maneuver, so it is time to have
some fresh air.
We're working on deploying a new system, but in the meanwhile we're
naked and if you have critical data I would advise you to do your own
backup for the time being. We're really sorry of the situation and hope
to have it solved really soon.
Grrr Grrr Grrr