=== Server Maintenance ===
On 2010-05-20 afternoon, due to sponsor needs, Orfeo had to move a few
steps away in the same datacenter, and was halted twice during a few
minutes. I was not able to warn soon enough to be useful, sorry for
the inconvenience.
On 2010-05-29 in the morning, while visiting a datacenter with several
users, we will halt Toushirou a few minutes in order to
replace/improve its memory (both because it needs more, and to test if
a complete memory replacement would improve the stability, even if
memtest found no problem on the current memory).
=== Communication ===
On 2010-05-19 Bitlbee was finally stopped. Minbif has replaced it nicely.
In April, we experienced a lot of problems with our XMPP (Jabber)
server. A few weeks ago we installed a fixed version and it proved
very stable since then.
The IRC upgrade is still... postponed :-/.
=== PHP Migration ===
Yesterday, we moved to 5.3, as planned earlier, and things went quite
well. Please note a few things that are now obsolete and will be
deactivated on 2010-09-01:
- $argc / $argv
- "magic quotes"
So please check your code before the deadline.
=== Dico ===
Absolutely needed, we now have an open access dictionnary[1],
available both on the DICT port, and via web on:
dict/dico text clients are available on Thorfinn and Toushirou.
Happy Birthday DuckCorp ! :-))
Marc Dequènes (Duck)
The meeting is gonna be a picnic, starting at 13:00, in Parc de St
Cloud, near the water réservoir:,2.206851&num=1&t=h&sll=48.839293,2.…
You've got several ways to come:
- T2, Parc de St Cloud (the nearest station)
- Transilien L or U, St Cloud
- M10, Pont de Saint-Cloud
- or by car of course
You should reach the meeting area in about 30 min from the station
(without running).
We'll have lunch first, but you may join us later in the afternoon if
you prefer. If you come for lunch, please bring food/drink for you,
and some more to share (it is more friendly this way).
We hope to see you soon. Have FUN since then.
Marc Dequènes (Duck)
=== New Website ===
It has been a great while since we last took care of the official web
page. No CMS was really that nice, so we decided to revamp it
completely by hand (or mostly).
It is still an "institutional" site, meant to stay quite static, but
more opened to the human world. The old and obsolete content was
removed/updated, so it reflects better what DuckCorp really is like
=== Changes in the Admin Team ===
Arnau was quite busy for a while, and not very active, so he is now a
"fallback admin".
Once again, happy volunteers are welcome !
=== Jabber/XMPP Problems ===
Our server had strange problems recently, and was completely broken
between 2010-04-27 and 2010-04-29. It seems to be "willing" to serve
us again, so please pray the XMPP god it stays that way.
=== NTP ===
We have been running a stratum 3/4 server since a while, but it was
not very advertised. Since 2010-04-22, it has been upgraded to stratum
2, advertised publicly on the site, and registered in the pool
project[1] (public stats[2] available).
=== LDAP Auth ===
The PostgreSQL server is now LDAP-ified, so users can now use their
global identifiers.
=== Daneel's Disks Saga ===
One of the repared disk died on 2010-04-10, so we keep rotating disks
until Seagate's warranty proves to be useful...
=== Mail ===
Since 2010-03-24, the maximum message size switched to 10Mo (was
previously 5Mo), as requested by a few users. Do not forget we've got
a FTP area for sending BIG files.
=== WebDesk ===
Since a recent Horde upgrade, tasks have been unusuable due to an
uncompleted database migration. It has been fixed.
That's all folks !
Marc Dequènes (Duck)