Unfortunately, after an "apparently" successful upgrade this night,
SSH servers on upgraded machines were not restarted correctly or
crashed. Consequently it is no more possible to log into Orfeo,
Toushirou, or Elwing.
A rescue action is planned this evening for Elwing and Toushirou, so
they should be available again soon. We have a plan for Orfeo too, but
i cannot tell you when it will be aplicable. Nevertheless, in a few
days everything should be alright.
For tests purposes and also to switch to a newer kernel, these
machines will be restarted, so your sessions will die, sorry.
Maintaining and upgrading machines is a delicate and sometimes
difficult task. We really try to handle this process as smoothly as
possible and we are very sorry for the inconvenience.
Other services are unaffected. Do not hésitate mailing us if you need
assistance (or via IRC).
Marc Dequènes (Duck)